The manipulation technique we specialise in is McTimoney, a chiropractic technique for animals. It involves only the use of the practitioner's hands and relies upon precise, quick, yet light adjustments to relieve muscular tension, restore movement and function within joints, improve soundness and performance and promote optimum well being to name a few.
The technique has been around for over 60 years and has produced some outstanding results in horses across all breeds and disciplines.

What is involved in Treatment?
To gain an insight into your individual horse a detailed history will be taken prior to treatment, followed by a physical examination of the musculo-skeletal system and gait assessment.
Treatment can then be administered using a hands only approach, where applicable on an individual basis. The length and number of treatments needed varies on a case by case basis.
Following treatment some immediate benefits are often observed, a healing process has been initiated and it is often advised that horses may benefit from some time off work to achieve the best results from the treatment. Again this is on an individual basis and can be advised following treatment. Follow up aftercare advice, recommendations and referrals will also be given where appropriate for example to limit re-occurring problems by using specific exercises to strengthen your horses back.
When to seek Treatment?
Treatment may be necessary for your horse following an acute incident, for example a slip, fall or following getting cast, as they can create back issues.
On-going problems including conformational faults, ill fitting tack, poor foot balance and an unbalanced rider can also contribute to a spinal problems.
We therefore advise to get your horse checked over if you notice any changes in performance or behaviour. Symptoms of a bad back can include, but are not limited to the following;
Bucking, broncing, napping, rearing, excessive tail swishing or uncharacteristic changes in temperament (Behavioural changes).
Going disunited, bunny hopping, toe-dragging, unlevelness (especially behind), difficulty striking off on the right lead, or with flying changes (Gait problems).
Reluctance to bend, work in an outline, or go forwards. Refusing or having fences down (Reduced performance issues).
If your horse has any of the below symptoms when jumping, this could be because of a bad back;
Twisting in the air, jumping to one side, rushing, stuttering/chipping in a stride, hollowing in the air, unable to stretch across oxers or landing on the wrong lead.
Maintenance treatments are also advisable to stay on top of any minor niggles, especially for older horses or those with a high or difficult work load, for example performance horses.